I consider myself a somewhat organized person, but like everyone, I've let a few areas of my life go astray. We've lived in our current home for more than a year-and-a-half, and I've avoided organizing a few key areas. So, in 2023 I plan to tackle:
Our basement storage. Little-by-little, I attempted to purge and organize our stuff in the unfinished portion of our basement this fall. While retrieving and storing holiday decorations, I tossed out and donated items we did not need or use. I forced myself to do this while I was in the midst of the boxes and overflow. This year, I want to go through the home decor, furniture and other household items I thought I might have use for in our new home, but it turns, out we do not. I'll donate whatever I can.
My master bedroom closet, particularly my side of it, needs some work. I haven't organized it properly since moving in. I plan to use small decorative baskets to store accessories (purses, scarves, etc.) in order to use our built-in shelving more efficiently. (I've been eyeing these fabric ones and Volten wicker ones.) I also need to purge what I no longer wear, and switch out the remaining plastic and wire hangers with velvet ones. (I prefer these hangers from Amazon.)

3. The art supplies cabinet. Our office is a spacious room that features built-in cabinets and shelves across one of the walls. About a fourth of the built-ins store our art and craft supplies. It's very convenient, but it's overflowing and needs to be organized and condensed. My daughter's art desk is now filled with art supplies because we've run out of room, and it's simply out-of control at this point. Cleaning and purging will take time and will be a shared effort between my daughter and me. I'm considering this Marbrasse desktop

What are you planning to organize this year?
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