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Tuesday Morning Tidy: Spring Break Boredom Busters

Writer's picture: FayFay

So, it's officially been a year since we've been more or less stuck at home due to COVID-19. When faced with a full week of being at home from school with nowhere to go, I have to be honest--I was dreading the monotony. I felt like we'd already done all of the "things." We've painted and played, made obstacle courses and watched every episode of favorites shows. What was left to do?

Since my husband and I still had to work some of the days, I decided that one "fun" activity per day was as much as could be expected. There would still be plenty of Disney+ and Netflix happening, and that's okay too. No shame in that! But I wanted the kids to have some fun to remember from the week. So, for all of you out there with spring breaks or long Easter weekends coming up still, here's how we kept ourselves entertained:

Spring Break Activities

  1. Tie Dye - This kit from Target worked out great, but I always forget how messy this activity is!

  2. Smoothie Lunch - We all took a break and had a healthy, yummy lunch.

  3. Movie Afternoon - Set up The Nugget with candy and little sodas, and Trolls World Tour for the win!

  4. Zoo - As part of the 21 for 21, we did our monthly touristy activity on my day off.

  5. Played with Friends - We were lucky to have three really beautiful days that allowed for some outside playtime with friends who also stayed home for Spring Break.

  6. Playground - Always a good choice.

  7. Coloring Pages - There are so many coloring page sites out there, and I printed a bunch of these off for a good hour or two of distraction.

  8. Family bike rides - This was a good lunchtime/post workday activity for everyone.

I realize none of these activities are earth shattering, but sometimes the simplest activities are still enriching. Enjoy your time away from school and work!

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