"No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank
It's the season of giving, and today is #GivingTuesday! You can honor this global initiative by monetarily donating to nonprofits and supporting important work being done around the world.
After feeling overwhelmed each year on this day by the number of causes I wanted to support, a couple years ago, I came across some good advice that I have since put into practice -- don't focus on the amount that you donate, but on the impact you can make in many areas.
So, what does this mean? For me, I donate a smaller amount to a few nonprofits rather than choosing just one. I select four nonprofits -- one international, one national, one statewide and one local each #GivingTuesday.

I hope you will considering participating in #GivingTuesday. Below are lists of nonprofits and links to their websites. I also provide ideas for nonprofits you can look for in your local communities with a quick Google search. You don't want this day to go by without supporting the incredible work being done around the world.
- Statewide/Regional Chapters of:
- Humane Society/Rescue organizations
- Nonprofits that support children and families suffering from homelessness
- Diaper Banks
- Programs and nonprofits supporting drug and alcohol recovery
Please let us know about your favorite nonprofit or organization we may want to consider in our #GivingTuesday.