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  • Writer's pictureFay

Monday Musing: On Spring

After an intense cold spell and some decent snow, spring has arrived in our neck of the Midwest. It is everything I could have hoped for after the last few months of pandemic winter. Except for school, we have been pretty isolated, with limited extracurricular activities for the kids and infrequent masked visits with extended family. Spring is like a breath of fresh air, providing a renewed sense of hope for the future.

Over the last week, I "celebrated" spring in three ways:


Spring cleaning is no cliche here. We dusted fans and blinds, scrubbed vents and put away all of our snowman figurines! Some pretty silk hydrangeas are in our front door basket and pillowcases got a refresh! Beyond just the decor, it's good to see spaces through that fresh spring lens. We moved a few things out of our office and other things in, and the space is feeling almost complete (hint: a third--maybe final--office post is coming soon).


One of the greatest days of the year, even in a non-pandemic, is that first day of warmth as spring appears. Everyone in the neighborhood emerges, and the sounds of spring are everywhere--kids playing, birds chirping and neighbors chatting. Since we have not been inside other homes since Halloween, it's been great being able to visit with friends and neighbors outside again (without needing blankets and space heaters)! I've even taken my laptop outside to work on a few projects, and I was again reminded how much I benefit from the fresh air and a change of atmosphere.

I highly recommend heading outside for some Vitamin D, a little exercise and some outdoor visits with neighbors!


Over the last week, I have experienced a renewed sense of focus on my resolutions made back in January. A few of my "21 for 21" are infinitely easier when it's nice out:

  • Exercising every day that kids go to school now means a walk outside at lunch.

  • It was warm enough that we felt like going shopping, and we found a new car that suits us!

  • Setting my alarm for 6:30 a.m. doesn't feel so horrible when it's above freezing outside!

  • The touristy activities have so much more appeal when it's warmer.

All in all, this spring feels soooooooooo good. Several of our family and friends have gotten their vaccines, we're getting outside more, accomplishing goals and feeling hopeful for the rest of 2021.

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