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Monday Musings: The End of Summer Feels

Writer's picture: Samantha Samantha

We're at that unique juncture in the calendar where summer and its heat aren't quite finished, but our outlook transitions to fall, a new school year and all the end-of-summer feels.

For some, this time of year brings melancholy -- saying good-bye to long summer days, trips to the pool or beach and our unstructured days and evenings. It's also the looming schedules, homework and nightfall at dinnertime that dampens the mood for the next season.

I experience all this, but also gratitude for a summer well-lived. I'm also feeling flashes of excitement for what's ahead -- cooler weather, the flavors and scents of the fall season, structured days and the holiday season that launches in September and lasts for the next four months!

As we experience the final days of August, I've complied some of my favorite quotes that best capture this season in which we sit.

"This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realise that it is August: the summer's last stand." - Sara Baume

"August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time." - Sylvia Plath

"August is like the Sunday of summer." - Unknown

"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows." - Helen Keller

Happy End-of-the Summer! Make these last days and weeks count!

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