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What I'm Loving: First Friday Favorites from March

In looking back over this past month's content, it occurs to me that March really is kind of magical. We cross a threshold between winter and spring, and summer seems just out of reach! This month, we shared so many things, and this post will cover all that you may have missed!

We started with summer planning and our first ever printable checklist! This includes everything from booking camps and Airbnbs to picking up some new beach towels. It's hard to believe it's already that time of year, but here we are!

Samantha shares her thoughts about the ever-present Mom Guilt and the current human-suffering in Eastern Europe.

However, spring brings a sense of hope and renewal. Spring cleaning? Oh yes--check out some favorite cleaning products from Williams-Sonoma. That same sense of hope can come in the form of self investment, so we shared thoughts on a home gym setup and how to make that work for you.

Don't forget shopping! Yes, it's time to update your wardrobe with a few spring favorites. And Amazon really does make it so easy...

We had a book review of the YA variety. Check out Fable here.

Finally, we were big on candy this month, because...hop, hop,'s that time of year!

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