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Writer's pictureSamantha

Monday Musings: 2025 Word for the Year

Happy New Year! I've begun 2025 with a more peaceful mindset. This year will introduce changes for our family that promise both excitement and challenges. The most notable will be our oldest child's high school graduation and her move across the country to start college. With this in mind, my word for the year is...release.

Last year, I focused on being bold professionally and personally. I took on a new role at work that broadens my impact (while stepping out of my comfort zone). I also became more involved in community organizations by serving on a Board of Trustees and volunteering my time more regularly to a cause that is important to me. This year, I am focusing more on how I navigate a new season of parenting.

In 2024, I experienced a lot of anxiety, particularly in the fall as my oldest went through the first few months of her senior year and the college application process. It became consuming at times, and now that it's behind me, I recognize that I want to enjoy this final semester. Releasing the tension and focusing on the exciting and celebratory moments rather than experiencing overwhelm.

Later this year, I will truly be tested in a way I have never been before. I am sure I will experience a range of emotions as the months and weeks leading up to her move approach. Instead of dwelling on what is beyond my control, I hope to have the wisdom to acknowledge that she is prepared for this and that my husband and I have equipped her as best as we can for this remarkable new chapter.

Here's to wishing 2025 is a year when I learn to let go with grace and positivity!

"The greatest gift you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." — Nishan Panwar

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