There are many, me included, who love to create lists. Checking things off can feel great, but sometimes it's just the act of getting the thoughts out of our heads and onto paper that can really be refreshing.
If you've been a subscriber for awhile, you know that my favorite tool for list making and tracking is the Bullet Journal. It's such a simple tool, but allows for maximum flexibility and personalization. If you aren't familiar with this style of planning, check out some of our previous posts.

Whether you keep a Bullet Journal or not, creating new lists for the New Year is for everyone! So, today I'm sharing a few of my favorites that I kick off each January 1.
New Year, New Lists
Goals for the Year - For me, I'll record my 22 for 22 list.
Books I've Read - My goal is always 24 books each year or two per month. Reading always makes me happy, but it's easy for weeks to go by without picking up a book. This goal prevents that from happening.
Home Projects - This includes a list of projects I'd like to complete over the course of the year, and then a separate page where I log what I've accomplished each month. This evolves throughout the year.
Shopping List (Clothes) - Similar to the above, this is one short list of a few capsule wardrobe items I need to replace, and a second page where I log my purchases for the year. I'll be honest--I don't really keep track of athletic/athleisure purchases.
While these are the main lists for me, there are so many ideas out there on Pinterest and elsewhere that may help you stay organized. Here are some additional possibilities:

Workout goals or Fitness Tracker
Important Dates and Birthdays
Financial Goals
A Word of the Year Page
Gift Planner
If you haven't yet started a Bullet Journal, it's never too late. You'll just need a dot grid notebook like this, and some favorite pens (I like these and these). I find this to be the easiest and most impactful organizing tool available!
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